The dog - man's best friend, and sometimes, biggest pain in the rear end. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at a dog and said "why can't you just listen?". I know you have too.

Here's the answer - we were training them wrong.

When you were a kid and got a new puppy, what did mom and dad do when they went to the bathroom in the house? They rubbed their noses in it, softly, while telling them no, then they put them outside. Millions of people do it, I've done it. 

What happens when you try to have a wine tasting at your house? You either have to keep the dog locked up in an empty room, or outside. As soon as people walk in the house, the dog would jump on them, bark at them, lick them, or lay on top of them. Granted, this is not always a bad thing, as it is a sign of excitement and affection, but there are those times when you don't want it to happen.

We need to take a step back and look at how we are training our dogs. You've heard the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", right? Well, this is absolutely wrong. You can train any dog, at any age. Potty training, with a new puppy, is always the very first step, and the most important. 

Think about what the dog understands. They are not humans - they can't always think the way we do. If your dog just went to the bathroom on your living room floor, think to yourself - is rubbing their nose in it, yelling at them, or chaining them up in a kennel or outside really going to change things? Dogs have ADD worse then humans, folks. They are doing something natural. They don't have toilets like we do. 

Now your dog is a bit older, may be potty trained, and is learning how to be loud. Again, it's a natural thing. Dogs bark, just like we talk. Think about this - when your dog is barking and being loud, is yelling at them (being loud) going to show them that it is not ok?

Most times, some people just go way off the path when training dogs. This leads to a dog being very shy, or being very mean. A dog jumped on you to show you affection and that it was happy to see you, and you pushed it off and yelled at it. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Training your dog IS absolutely easy. As I said, you just have to use a little bit of common sense and think about how they will react to what you are doing. 

If you'd like to learn a little more, and see some really great examples and techniques to use on any dog, check out the link below. I can tell you, guaranteed, that this guide will make you think differently. It changed our routine for good, and helped take our pain of a dog and turn him into my perfect best friend.


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